Howdy, it’s Jamie Mueller of Sunflower Quilts back with another fun tutorial to get you ready to show your school spirit!

  Cheer Hair Bows



Base Grosgrain Ribbon 1 ½” wide in desired color (I used maroon)

Top Ribbon 7/8” wide in desired color (I used gold glitter)

Fabric Fuse™ Liquid Adhesive

Shirt Paint or other paint with fine tip (easy for writing)

Hair Ties

Twist Ties (can be found in produce section of grocery store FREE)

Hot Glue Gun

bows supplies


  1. Cut both base and top ribbon at desired length for size of bow. (I cut mine at 30” and these are for high school cheerleaders).
  2. Lay base ribbon down on flat surface and apply a layer of Fabric Fuse™ Liquid Adhesive down the center of base ribbon.
    bows 1
  3. Lay top ribbon directly on Fabric Fuse™ line making sure to center ribbon as much as possible. Press firmly to secure top ribbon in place.
    bows 3

*Don’t worry about glue showing, it dries clear!

    1. Using Shirt Paint, add child’s name and team name to ends of ribbon as desired.
      bows 2


  1. Let dry 4-6 hours or overnight for best results.

6.  Shape bow as desired by crossing the ends over one another and pinching the center of the bow with your fingers.

bows 6bows 7

      Secure pinched center with twist tie.


bow 8 
8. Cut a smaller piece of ribbon to hide twist tie. Before using a dab of hot glue to secure in place, put hair tie in between ends of smaller ribbon to secure the hair tie in place on the back of the bow. Use a dab of hot glue to secure ribbon and hair tie in place. OR if you want to use a hair clip instead, secure small ribbon in place with hot glue and then using hot glue, secure hair clip over the ends of the smaller piece of ribbon on the back of the bow.

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  1. Cut ends at an angle or triangle to keep ends from raveling.
    bow 14bow 12

Enjoy your bows and show your school/team spirit!


In honor of September being National Sewing Month we’d like to give you some goodies to use for your next sewing project! Use the Rafflecopter entry form to enter to win a collection of our HeatnBond® Products along with a fun book from our friend Rachel Low from Pins & Needles!


Image Courtesy of Rachel Low
Image Courtesy of Rachel Low

Rachel generously gifted us a copy of her wonderful book! It’s the perfect book for young sewists who are ready to step into making their own clothing. From leggings to party dresses. Rachel will help walk them through the steps to create their own unique clothing! And our products are the perfect partner to those projects plus we’ll include some our new iCraf® Deco Foils™ to help jazz up those clothes too! Deco-Foil-HNBWe’ll include a bottle of our Deco Foil™ Liquid Adhesives, a pack of our Deco Foil™ Hot Melt Adhesive and the winner can chose 3 colors of our Deco Foil as well!

And there is still time to enter this giveaway too!

2 Comments on Create Custom Cheer Hair Bows with Fabric Fuse

  1. Sonja Hansen
    September 14, 2015 at 2:10 pm (10 years ago)

    I want to try some of those faux mercury glass pumpkins.

  2. Connie Cain
    September 15, 2015 at 1:42 am (10 years ago)

    I am working on Christmas crafts (ornaments, making a tree skirt, ect). 🙂