Hi everyone! It’s Kim Lapacek of Persimon Dreams here! I’m back with the fourth Mystery ‘Block of the Month’ featuring Deco Foils!

I hope you decide to join in the fun! Each block will be whimsical and fun and a perfect way to use up your scraps. In the end you’ll have twelve 8-inch blocks that will make an adorable wall hanging OR you can use the blocks to make mini quilts, table runners and pillows! Feel free to copy the button above and add it to your blog to share with everyone the fun we’re going to have with this quilt along.
Okay – time to reveal the fourth block …
“Foil Covered Branches Block”
- “Foil Covered Branches” template PDF
- Sky – 6.5″ x 8.5″ fabric
- Ground– 2.5″ x 8.5″ fabric
- Tree (brown scraps)
- fabric: (1) 8.0” x 1.25”, (1) 7.0” x 1.25” , (1) 5.0” x 1.0”, (1) 2.0” x 1.0”
- Heat N Bond Lite: – just under (1) 8.0” x 1.25”, (1) 7.0” x 1.25” , (1) 5.0” x 1.0”, (1) 2.0” x 1.0”
- Bird Body
- fabric: (3) 1.75” x 1.0”
- Heat N Bond® Ultrahold just under 4.75” x 2.5”
- Bird Wings
- fabric: 2.0” x 2.0”
- Heat N Bond Ultrahold just under 2.0” x 2.0”
- Birds Beaks
- Fabric: 0.75” x 0.5”
- Heat N Bond® Ultrahold just under 0.75” x 0.5”
- iCraft® Deco Foil™Hot Melt Adhesive
- Pressing Sheet
- DecoFoils (opal – 1 transfer sheet)
Directions for project:
Start by piecing the background of our block this morning. Take your 6.5″ x 8.5″ piece of sky fabric and sew it to the 2.5″ x 8.5″ piece of ground fabric.
Press towards the ground fabric.
Now – take the templates you printed out after you downloaded it for free from my Craftsy pattern page and trace the tree trunk and branches on to the corresponding Heat n Bond® lite pieces. Trim around the shapes but not too close to any lines.
Press each Heat n Bond® lite Fusible Adhesive shape to the wrong side of the corresponding fabric. Cut each shape on the lines you drew.
Peel the fusible paper off each fabric piece. Do this now so you don’t forget to do it before you do your final press.
Now it’s time to lay out each piece how we want it before we press it into it’s final spot.
Trace the birds onto Heat N Bond® Ultrahold. Trace the bodies first, then the wings and beaks separately. These are so small once they are fused on it is nice to not have to stitch them down to secure them. The bird bodies are going to be different colors than the birds’ beaks and wings to create definition. Trim around the shapes but not too close to any line.
Press each drawing on the Heat N Bond® Ultrahold to the wrong side of the corresponding fabrics. Cut each shape on the lines.
Peel the fusible paper off each fabric piece. Lay out the birds in a way that is pleasing to you. Make sure the fusible paper is peeled off the backs and press these in place.
Trace the shapes with ‘DF’ in their description onto the iCraft® Deco Foil™ Hot Melt Adhesive. After the DF in the description the label indicates which branch it goes on. BB – Bottom Branch, MB – Middle Branch, and UB – Upper Branch. Place the shapes onto the branches so it gives the effect of snow covered branches.
Take a Pressing Sheet and lay it over the shapes. Press for 30 seconds. Let the Deco Foil™ Hot Melt adhesive cool down. Seriously, let it cool down.
Let it cool down even more. And once it’s 100% cooled down, peel the paper off.
Lay a piece of DecoFoil™ over all snow covered branches.
Take a Pressing Sheet and lay it over the DecoFoil. Press for 30 seconds. Let it cool down.
Once it is completely cooled down, peel the decofoil off the block. Voila! You now have beautiful “Foil Covered Branches” block
Now blanket stitch around each of the pieces you fused down with the Heat N Bond Lite Fusible. I chose to do use white thread on my block to give the impression of snow.
You have a couple of options for the legs and eyes on the birds. You can either embroider them in or … you can use a marker.
I went with the marker route. I used Tuskineko Fabrico Dual-Tip Markers and they work really well. The cool thing about this is that you can always go back and embroider later … or the markers will work just fine too.
I hope you’re having fun with these blocks!
Here are the four blocks -‘Wish Upon an Apple Tree‘, ‘Jack-O-Foil’, ‘House of Foil’ , and ‘Foil Covered Branches’ side by side. See you next time!I have shared with you so far … still eight more to come!
[…] Upon an Apple Tree“, “Jack-O-Foil“, “House of Foil” , “Foil Covered Branches” and “Hearts of Foil” I have shared with you so far … still seven more to […]
[…] are the six blocks -“Wish Upon an Apple Tree“, “Jack-O-Foil“, “House of Foil” , “Foil Covered Branches”, “Hearts of Foil” and “Foiled Egg” I have shared with you so far. We’re […]